Saturday, April 16, 2011

'Being Healthy is not normal'

Long time, no post. Life has been a whirlwind of happenings.  Acquired desired job.  Cheffing at a  mining camp in Karratha.  Finally the dream of joining the evil empire of the Oil and Gas industry has come to fruition.  I hope to offset this by greening my own existance.  Financially something i couldn't, ironically, afford before this job.
With the added bonus of a two week on, one week off roster, i feel i'm finally able to sort so many things in my life.  My health is paramount, from day one i have been making conscious decisions about what i eat and how i am living.  Twelve hour days are taking a lot of energy, and being surrounded by so much choice and a cabinet filled with 15 different  varieties of ice cream unfortunately sometimes wins out over the healthier choice.  

One of the unforseen benefits of a 2 week roster, is each new swing delivers a new chance to make the changes i want.  The siren call of the ice cream is less each time, dessert cabinet which in a normal world would hold no sway with me is a 'because i can' temptation.  Access to a buffet for every meal each day could be disasterous.

Generally the gas plant workers put on approximately 10 to 15 kilos within the first 6 months, i met one guy that put on 40!  This is definately not going to happen, i find i am going the other way.  Making healthier choices and reducing portion sizes each time.  My portions are approximately a third of other people there, less carbs, less meat, less fat, less sugar.  The weight should be falling off, but its not, its bit by bit. Surprisingly i am fine with that.  Its early days, and there will be less slip ups face first into the ice cream cabinet : p

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

THAT is gonna hurt in the morning....

First day back at the gym.  After a busy day of tidying and cleaning, finally got to the gym...only to find it packed with big muscly blokes.  In Karratha it seems to be all about the upper body, and tribal tattoos, all on very short men.   Something weird going on there.   I don't know the last time i sweated that much, but thats what you get for being a lazy tart for 2 years.
There are some really beautiful hills right next to the main road, that will be right across from where we will be living.   I hope once i acclimatize a bit more to the humidtity i can go riding and walk the dog there, maybe even climb to the top.  Will just try not to think about the snakes.....a big stick might be in order there!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sick.....but better now

Computer got THE nastiest bug, and life got in the way.  Back on track now hopefully.
Have moved 1500 km north of Perth to Karratha.  Surrounded by red dirt and rocks, salt flats and mine sites, its what i imagine living on Mars would be like, along with the difficulty to breath :/  Fairly humid and hot.
Busy helping family move house this week, get kids to school but also hope to post some pics and show the sights.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nutritarian or die! really

After years of self abuse as a chef, late nights, copious amounts of alcohol, many many long hours, junk food and really bad eating habits in general, enough is really enough.  Considering what i have put myself through i am lucky my health is as good as it is.  I know it could be better.  So hopefully this will help me keep on track, because there is nothing worse than having to write down transgressions.

Dabbles in vegetarianism with the odd ill advised bout with veganism, i have come to the conclusion that i need to stop looking for a label and go with what i know to be a more sensible way of life. Afflictions i know i have are asthma and arthritis, nothing else diagnosed at this point, so i would like to see if this way of life can improve these problems and prevent others.

So...the plan ...
  •  Firstly, eat for nutrition, where possible, which sounds obvious but in reality is quite hard in some of the situations i am frequently in and bad habits i have.
  • Gradually introduce more exercise, considering i do none at the moment, that wont be hard to improve.
  • Eventually see a nutritionist, after all of the years of reading magazines, books and online research, i think its only fair to see if i have learned enough about what i really need to do...and then see if i was doing it right.
  • possibly other things i can't think of at the moment.....but i definitely think that's enough to be going on with.
The plan isn't so much for a food blog as a lifestyle record and hopefully some pretty pictures.